CounteR – uno strumento innovativo per rilevare contenuti radicali online

Completato con successo il progetto treinnale CounteR, finanziato attraverso Horizon 2020 - il programma di ricerca e innovazione di punta dell'UE.


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ITASEC24: Bruno Frattasi, Direttore Generale dell’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale, delinea le linee strategiche di Acn

è entrata nel vivo l’ottava edizione di Itasec, la principale conferenza nazionale sulla sicurezza informatica, organizzata dal Cybersecurity National Lab del CINI .


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CyberChallenge.IT: più di 4100 gli iscritti

Sono oltre 4.100 i ragazzi e le ragazze tra i 16 e i 24 anni che si sono iscritti all’ottava edizione di CyberChallenge.IT, la scuola nazionale per i giovani esperti di sicurezza informatica del Cybersecurity National Lab del Cini (Consorzio interuniversitario nazionale per l’informatica).


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ITADINFO 2023, primo convegno organizzato dal Laboratorio Informatica e Scuola del CINI

Si è svolto a Bari dal 13 al 15 ottobre ITADINFO 2023, il primo convegno italiano sulla didattica dell’Informatica, organizzato dal Laboratorio Nazionale CINI “Informatica e Scuola”, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Bari Aldo Moro.


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CybersecNatLab - OliCyber.IT e CyberTrials: dal 6 all'8 settembre a Torino le finali dei due percorsi di formazione su cybersicurezza per ragazze e ragazzi

Dal 6 all’8 settembre Torino sarà invasa dagli hacker (etici) per le finali delle Olimpiadi Italiane di Cybersicurezza (OliCyber.IT) e per CyberTrials, i programmi di formazione avanzata nel campo della sicurezza informatica organizzati dal Cybersecurity National Lab e rivolti a studentesse e studenti degli istituti superiori di II grado.


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Dalla CyberChallenge.IT 2023 la definizione della Nazionale Italiana di Cyberdefender

Dal 28 giugno al 1° luglio si riuniranno a Torino, per la gara finale, i 258 finalisti di CyberChallenge.IT: il programma italiano di formazione per i giovani talenti della sicurezza informatica, organizzato dal Cybersecurity National Lab del CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica), con il patrocinio dell’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN) e dell’Autorità Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (GPDP).


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ITADINFO - Primo convegno italiano sulla didattica dell'informatica

Si svolgerà a Bari dal 13 al 15 ottobre prossimo ITADINFO, la prima edizione del convegno italiano sulla didattica dell'informatica, organizzata dal Laboratorio Nazionale "Informatica e Scuola" del CINI, in collaborazione con l'Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro" e con l'associazione di promozione sociale "APS Programma il Futuro".


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Opportunità & Call

The Lab organizes and participates in several meeting with various scientific research communities (data bases, high performance computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence) to foster the competences of the participating Nodes and to plan its activities. The following is a list of the meeting organized by the Lab as well as other meetings in these areas.

  • CCPI 2023: 11th International Workshop on Cloud-Edge Continuum Project and Initiatives, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brasile, 20-31 March 2023CCPI is a workshop organized within AINA 2023 (37th International Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications). The workshop aims to be a forum to exchange ideas on several topics related to Cloud computing, and finding synergies between projects. Despite different backgrounds and challenging different issues, several topics are relevant for all projects, and strengthen their cooperation and joining the forces will be a valuable outcome of the CCPI Workshop, now at its ninth edition. Link
  • ISSA: Intelligent Systems, Services and Applications (track at SITIS 2022: 16th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems) Dijon, France, 19-21 October 2022. The track ISSA focuses on emerging concepts, architectures, protocols, and methodologies for information management on modern distributed systems such as Cloud, Edge, Fog, and IoT. Novel challenges emerge in the nowadays scenario with an unlimited number of connected devices, related to the integration of ML/AI, Big Data, and low-latency networking technologies. The track aims to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their experiences and knowledge. Link
  • JusMod 2022: 1st International Workshop on Digital Justice, Digital Law, and Conceptual Modeling, Hyderabad, India, October 17-20 2022. JustMod is a workshop organized within ER 2022 (41st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling). The workshop aims to constitute a meeting venue for a variety of researchers involved in digital justice and digital law across different disciplines beyond computer science, such as law, legal informatics, management, economics, and social sciences.  The workshop aims to discuss new approaches and solutions for modeling, analysis, formalization, and interpretation of legal data and related processes. Link
  • ITADATA 2022: 1st Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science, Milan, 20-21 September 2022.
    ITADATA is the new annual event supported by the CINI Big Data National Laboratory that aims at putting together Italian researchers and professionals from academia, industry and government working in the field of big data and data science, as well as related fields (e.g., security and privacy, HPC, Cloud). The conference aims to discuss and shape the future of Big Data and Data Science in Italy and abroad, and offers and exciting program of research papers, panels, workshops, and tutorials. Link
  • MAPS 2022: Workshop on Methods and Applications of Process Science (part of ITADATA2022), Milan, 20 September 2022. MAPS is workshop organized within ITADATA2022. It aims at fostering the interaction between members of the national and international research community working on the different aspects of process science. This includes industrial and academic researchers and other professionals who are actively working in the field. Participants present their ongoing initiatives and experience either as talks or demonstrations.
  • First Workshop on Data Science Education, Current State and Future Challenge (part of ITADATA2022), Milan, 20 September 2022. The First Workshop on Data Science Education, Current State and Future Challenge is organized with ITADATA2022. It aims to bring experts and professors that have formal roles in the management of training activities discussing various issues arising in the design, deploy and manage training courses for data science, following the motto of data scientists is the sexiest job of the 21st century. Link
  • BDDS: Big Data and Data Science for Next-Generation Distributed Systems, Padua, Italy, July 18-23 2022. BDDS is a workshop organized within IEEE WCCI 2022 (World Congress on Computational Intelligence). The workshop aims to provide the ground for researchers in the fields of big data, data science, and related fields, to discuss about the future of big data and data science. It focuses on requirements and challenges introduced by the complexity of modern distributed systems, and industrial scenarios empowered by big data and data science. Link
  • UMAP 2022: 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Barcelona, Spain, July 4-7 2022. ACM UMAP is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information. ACM UMAP is the successor to the biennial User Modeling (UM) and Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems (AH) conferences that were merged in 2009. Link
  • DataPlat 2022: 1st International Workshop on Data Platform Design, Management, and Optimization, Edinburgo, UK (virtual), March 29-April 1 2022. The workshop is aimed at researchers and practitioners in the field of data, with the goal of discussing challenges and solutions in big data management, such as metadata definition,  multi-model DBMSs, the Vs of big data, the suitability and usability of big data systems for less-skilled users. Link

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Il CINI partecipa come rappresentante esperto nel Comitato Italiano del Programma di Horizon 2020, per l’Information and Communication Technologies



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“Programma il futuro”: il pensiero computazionale a scuola

Grazie alla collaborazione tra MIUR e CINI prende l'avvio "Programma il futuro". Lezioni e materiali on line sul sito La “buona scuola” muove i primi passi a partire dal coding.

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