Laboratorio Cini Data Science

The strategic report includes ERCIM vision of Big Data Analytics in Europe, based on the fair use of big data with the development of associated policies and standards, as well as on empowering citizens, whose digital traces are recorded in the data.

The first step towards such objective is the creation of a European ecosystem for Big Data Analytics-as-a-service, based on a Federated Trusted Open Analytical Platform for Knowledge Acceleration. The goal is to yield a data and knowledge infrastructure providing to citizens, scientists, institutions and businesses: (i) access to data and knowledge services, (ii) access to analytical services and results, within a framework of policies for access and sharing based on the values of privacy, trust, individual empowerment and public good.

Several requirements need to be fulfilled, at least at four very different levels (the four dimensions discussed in detail in this paper):
- Scientific and technological challenges
- Data requirements
- Education and data literacy
- Promotional initiatives for data analytics and BDA-as-a-service.

ERCIM White paper on Big Data Analytics

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