Giovedì 3 Novembre 2016 alle ore 10:00, presso la sala riunioni al IV piano DIETI, il Prof. Peter Popov della City University London, nel corso di un visiting period presso il Dependable Systems and Software Engineering Research Team (DESSERT) al DIETI, terrà il seminario: Modelling Critical Infrastructures (CIs) Resilience



Resilience of critical infrastructures is of paramount importance for society. In the last decade thelandscape of critical infrastructures has changed significantly and new challenges have emerged dueto various factors, e.g. deregulation and the increased deployment of “smart” technologies. The mainchallenges have been interdependence between infrastructures and more recently Cybersecurity. In the talk I will summarise the effort to date by a small team at the Centre for Software Reliability, At City University London, to address these two concerns.- A decade ago interdependence between critical infrastructures has been recognised as a seriouschallenge in achieving resilience of critical infrastructures. Many discussed the issuequalitatively, but little has been done to date to quantify interdependences and their impact onresilience. I will present briefly the approach developed at CSR for stochastic interdependencymodelling, the tool support for building hybrid models quickly to help with the studies and willshow some of the interesting results obtained over the last few years.- Very recently interdependency modelling has been extended to address cyber threats specificfor industrial control systems (ICS). I will illustrate this work with very recent results –comparison of the impact of different cyber attacks on a non-trivial case study: a powertransmission network (NORDIC32) extended with a SCADA network and sub-stations compliantwith IEC 615850. The model of this power system captures measurements, protection andcontrol functions and the functional dependencies between the modelled elements (e.g. due topower flows or unavailability of the equipment used for measurement and control). Differentmodels of an Adversary can be added to the system model and thus a range of studies (viaMonte Carlo simulation) can be undertaken to compare the impact of different attacks on themodelled cyber-physical system.

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