The main target of the Laboratory is the analysis of the spread of "digital competence" and their articulation in the various sectors of the business world, in society and in the world of education.
In this context, it is now important providing classification models of digital skills, both for
"citizen" both for "professionals". For this reason the laboratory keeps track of all the initiatives, especially those at European level, leading to the definition and dissemination of these frameworks.
At country level, the "culture of skill" has yet to fit in both the business world, both institutions: it’s emblematic the attitude of most of the regions, which have created a set of "repertoires of professional profiles" also in the ICT sector, without using the framework of specific skills. A big boost, however, was given in 2014 some initiatives of the "Agency for Digital Italy", which in 2015 were transferred to the new
version of the "Great National Coalition for Digital Occupations". Reports of the Laboratory
with AGID are described in its page.
The connection between "training results" (the "learning outcomes" of the curricula in the secondary school and university) and "skills" useful in the workforce is one of the the critical issues that the world of education and that of the companies (and society digital, more generally) cooperate in a synergistic manner. The Laboratory aims to facilitate the initiation of an observatory on "Digital training".
In this section, some European frameworks are briefly described. The laboratory pursues an activity of critical analysis of these frameworks and participate with contributions proactive in their evolution, in all institutions.
See the following web page
eCF Framework