Tipologia progetto

Nazionale - Programma Operativo Nazionale "Ricerca e Competitività" 2007-2013 - PON03PE_00099_1



Cultural Heritage Information System - CHIS

Ruolo CINI               





  •          Ancitel
  •          Atheneum
  •          CID
  •          CINI
  •          CONFORM
  •          FR
  •          Ganosis
  •          Glossa
  •          Innova
  •          INTELTEC
  •          Izzo Restauri
  •          System Management
  •          TEBE
  •          Technova
  •          Università degli Studi di Salerno
  •          Università degli Studi di Napoli


CHIS project aims to use new technologies in order to promote, in an innovative and sustainable way, the natural and cultural heritage of our country that is unique in the world, using a portable, adaptable and modular technological infrastructure; benefit from this heritage in an intelligent way, taking into account and valuing cultural differences, interests, the desire to “learn” from the experience, with a high customization, and the protection of vulnerable groups such as disabled, seniors and children; deliver this heritage to future generations, in a safe and enhanced way, thanks to the innovative approach of the project, highlighting that cultural heritage is a good of all humanity and the communities must preserve and promote the heritage they have received.

The main objectives of the project can be summarized in the study and prototyping of an innovative ICT architecture – cloud, mobile and web based – that, thanks to “Internet of Things”, enables them to provide “intelligence” to a given context. Given the heterogeneity and multiplicity of scenarios and the areas in which the platform CHIS is applicable, in the project will be used for the platform definition and implementation.

Responsabile CINI


Prof. Angelo Chianese


01/11/2013 – 31/10/2015

Sito web del progetto




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