HPC: Key Technologies and Tools

Accelerators are the basic building blocks of the next-generation exascale systems. In this context, The European PILOT project will be the first demonstration of two European High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) accelerators – all designed, implemented, manufactured and owned by Europe.



Using open-source software and open and proprietary hardware, the project will deliver the first 100 % European full stack software, accelerator and integrated ecosystem based on RISC-V accelerators coupled to any general-purpose processor (CPU). The accelerators will be manufactured in the new European GlobalFoundries 12 nm advanced silicon technology, a major demonstration of European technology independence.


Start date: 1 December 2021

Duration: 42 months 

Total cost: € 29 999 925

Project link: https://eupilot.eu/

Topic: EuroHPC-2020-01-a - Advanced pilots towards the European supercomputers


CINI Units involved


University of Turin

University of Pisa

Politecnico di Milano

Sapienza University of Rome

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