The reflection on the social consequences of computers is constant in the evolution of informatics already from its birth. This reflection is essential to better understand the current digital revolution in several different fields from economy to public administration, from geopolitics to education. It is, thus, important to expand the current framework of discussion by taking into account the contributions coming from different areas both at the national and international level.
The Laboratory Informatics & Society (IeS) aims at playing a strategic role in the shaping of digital culture meant at large. Accordingly, the goals of Lab IeS are the following:
To interact with the other CINI national laboratories to support the development of the ethical, legal, epistemological, economic, social elements within the projects carried out by these laboratories.
To promote research on the social issues of informatics, such as digital divide, awareness about the use of digital technologies, net neutrality, social value of date, digital policy making, etc.
To play a strategic role at the national level to address the current debate about the development of the so-called digital culture: from the analysis of risks and opportunities in different fields to education and policy making.