Winter School in "Securing Critical Infrastructures" (SecureCI 2016) Cortina D'Ampezzo (Italy) January 17th to 21st 2016 2016 a PhD Winter School that will feature a series of Lectures by renowned Italian and International researchers  on enhancing the resiliency of complex critical infrastructures and their protection against cyber-attacks.


The talks will span from theory to practice and the covered topics will include:

* Biometrics
* Information fusion
* National Framework of Cybersecurity
* Security on Federated Clouds
* Information Security in Snowden's era


The school will also give to Ph.D. students the possibility to present and get feedback on their current research activity. Additionally,project work will be assigned to groups of students that will be evaluated at the end of the course by theSecureCI 2016 board of lecturers. Upon request, students that will pass the exam will be provided by the school with a certificate. The school is also open to senior researchers that can take the opportunity to disseminate their latest results on areas related to the topics of the school.


The School is supported by:

the TENACE Project  


Vladimiro Sassone, University of Southampton

Bart Preneel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Luigi Vincenzo Mancini & Roberto Baldoni, Sapienza University of Rome
Stefano Zanero, Politecnico di Milano University
Salvatore D'Antonio & Luigi Coppolino, University of Naples Partenophe
Andrea Ceccarelli, University of Florence
Bruno Crispo, University of Trento


The registration fee to the school is between 700 and 850¤ (depending on the type of accommodation) and includes attendance to the lectures and half board hotel accommodation. Prolonged stay until January 24 is possible at no extra cost


School Directors:


Prof. Andrea Bondavalli


Prof. Roberto Baldoni


All the information can be found at:

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