Cybersecurity National Laboratory

Cyberchallenge.IT 2018: cerimonia di premiazione il 28 giugno a Roma

Cerimonia di Premiazione dei vincitori della seconda edizion ...

Libro Bianco:

Libro Bianco: "Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici”

    Alla fine del 2015, il Laboratorio Nazionale d ...

White Book:

White Book: "The Future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic project areas”

    At the end of 2015, the National Cybersecurity L ...


The Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems (IWES) aims at providing the Italian community with a meeting point for the exchange of research experience in academy and industry on all aspects of embedded systems. More in detail, IWES objectives are the followings:

  • Providing a forum where researchers on embedded systems can present their work, exchange ideas, receive constructive feedback, and interact with the other research groups in the country, thus offering an opportunity for meeting, programming and organising projects, research work or other initiatives. 
  • Facilitating connections and building synergies between Academy and Industry, by providing a place where companies involved in the Embedded Systems business can showcase their current technical challenges and strategic interests and conveniently get up-to-date with the research lines and latest results achieved by the Italian research community on the topic.
  • Increasing awareness of the importance of the Embedded Systems business among B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in Computer Science and Engineering and of the career opportunities offered by companies active in the field.

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