The fields investigated by the CINI National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (AIIS) are multiples: theoretical and methodological, technologic and practical aspects. Considering the width and depth of topics, working groups are defined engaging all the AIIS nodes up to external public and private research centers.
Research areas compare with many practical fields and are put in relationship with the various Italian scientific technological ventures such as National Cluster and Competence Centers of Industry 4.0 related to industrial research too. Research areas activities foresee specific agreements with the Public Administration and Italian Society.
Some specific topics are:
- AI Ethics and social impact;
- AI for Industrial and Social Applications;
- Biometrics and Human Behaviour Understanding;
- Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning;
- Education for/in AI;
- Ethically aligned design of Intelligent Autonomous Systems;
- Fuzzy and Computational Intelligence;
- Data mining and knowledge discovery;
- Complex network science and social network science;
- Game theory and Problem Solving;
- Human-machine interaction;
- Knowledge-based representation and reasoning;
- Intelligent systems for Human-Computer Interaction;
- Logic Programming and Constraint Programming;
- Machine Learning Theory and Algorithms;
- Methods for Explainable, Accountable, Interpretable and Verifiable Machine Learning;
- Multi Agent Systems, General and distributed Intelligence;
- Multimedia Intelligent Sensing and Retrieval;
- Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics;
- Neuro-inspired hardware and neuroscience modelling;
- Ontologies and Semantic Technologies;
- Planning and Reinforcement Learning;
- Robotics and embodied intelligence;
- Unmanned and autonomous systems and vehicles.