Cybersecurity National Laboratory

Cyberchallenge.IT 2018: cerimonia di premiazione il 28 giugno a Roma

Cerimonia di Premiazione dei vincitori della seconda edizion ...

Libro Bianco:

Libro Bianco: "Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici”

    Alla fine del 2015, il Laboratorio Nazionale d ...

White Book:

White Book: "The Future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic project areas”

    At the end of 2015, the National Cybersecurity L ...


Cover Libro Bianco 2  At the end of 2015, the National Cybersecurity Laboratory of CINI wrote a White Book to describe the main cybersecurity challenges that Italy was supposed to face in the following five years. The volume focused mainly on the risks deriving from cyber attacks, and outlined some organizational recommendations as well.

The present volume was born as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of project areas and actions that the Italian research community deems as essential.

The volume considers multiple aspects of cybersecurity, ranging from the definition of infrastructures and centres needed to organize the national cyberdefence and technologies to be developed to be better protected, the identification of the main technologies to be defended, to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for raising awareness.

The reading of this volume does not require particular technical knowledge; the text can be used by anyone using everyday IT tools or surfing the Internet. 


Clicca QUI per scaricare una copia del Libro Bianco in Italiano.

Click HERE to download a copy of the White Book in English.

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